Groundbreaking technology transforms hyperinflammation
into healing

Devastating outcomes signal an urgent need for innovative solutions

The Selective Cytopheretic Device (SCD)

Therapeutic options for critically ill patients with a dysregulated immune response have shown limited efficacy. SeaStar Medical’s Selective Cytopheretic Device (SCD) is a patented cell-directed extracorporeal therapy that works with most continuous kidney replacement therapy (CKRT) systems (and regional citrate anticoagulation) to selectively target the most highly activated neutrophils and monocytes responsible for this hyperactive immune response. SCD technology won’t just stop the storm but could potentially reverse the damage.

Neutralize toxic neutrophils and transform monocytes

Neutrophils and monocytes are the key immune cells that play a prominent role in life-threatening hyperinflammation.

The novel SCD technology targets and neutralizes activated neutrophils, providing a new therapeutic approach to this problem.

By restoring reparative physiology, the SCD can help the body heal—potentially reducing mortality, eliminating dialysis dependency and getting patients out of the ICU faster so they can return to their loved ones and daily lives.

Currently, drug treatments for a cytokine storm may differ based on the specific disorder associated with it, and these treatments may not deliver the results your patients need.

Because the SCD is a cell-directed extracorporeal therapy that uses the body’s immune system to heal. You’re in complete control of an effective therapy that can be used without the worry of severe contraindications.

An evidence-based breakthrough

SeaStar Medical is committed to introducing only rigorously researched, clinically validated therapeutic products to the market. And the reason is simple: vital organs and precious lives are at stake.  The SCD is recently approved in pediatric AKI due to sepsis and is currently being investigated in adult AKI and other conditions


SeaStar Medical is now conducting NEUTRALIZE-AKI to assess the safety and efficacy of the SCD in critically ill adults with AKI requiring CKRT.  The study will assess the effect of SCD treatment on various measures of patient clinical outcomes and evaluate the effect of SCD device on patient safety in SCD treatments from time of initiation through one year.

Primary endpoint:  A composite of all-cause mortality or dialysis dependency at day 90.

Secondary endpoints include:

For more information, visit


Clinical studies of the SCD-PED

SCD-PED therapy has been evaluated in two open-label studies (SCD-PED-01 and SCD-PED-02) in pediatric patients >10kg with AKI requiring continuous kidney replacement therapy (CKRT). 

Primary endpoint: 


Secondary endpoints: 

Mortality and renal replacement therapy dependency at Day 60

Number of participants: 

N=22 (both studies combined) 


Learn More

There are very few therapeutic options available to treat pediatric AKI…these positive [study] results suggest a favorable benefit to risk ratio in the critically ill pediatric population.

Stuart L. Goldstein, MD
Principal Investigator, Pediatric Study

Easy to incorporate into your
workflow and treatment paradigm

The SCD can be easily added to your extracorporeal therapies, such as dialysis or continuous kidney replacement therapy (CKRT), seamlessly fitting into your workflow. It has been used with other treatments, including IL-6 blockers, corticosteroids and other common treatments, with no or few known contraindications. 

By giving your critically ill patients the potential to eliminate dialysis dependency, get out of the ICU faster, and restore the lives they were so close to losing, the SCD is positioned to become the new standard of care in the ICU.

SCD in the Medical Literature

Early SCD Rationale

SCD Pilot Study

SCD-002 Adult AKI

SCD-003 Adult AKI


Pediatric Study


COVID-19 Study


Study Design

Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome 

Case Reports

Hepatorenal Syndrome 

Case Reports

SCD Safety Summary 

in AKI

SCD in Chronic 

Heart Failure

SCD-PED-01 & SCD-PED-02 

Pooled Analyses

Toxic Shock Syndrome Case Report

SCD in Heart Failure Editorial

SCD in Transplant

SCD Mechanism of Action

Get in touch with SeaStar Medical

Intrigued by the promise of the SCD? Want to know more? We’ll be happy to hear from you.

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